Sunday 27 March 2016

Sewing Bliss

I spent a wonderful day yesterday with my sewing machine, and it was behaving itself too, which made it all the more blissful!

It all started last Thursday. I've recently joined a Woolgathering group in Sandbach where me and my lovely Mum can enjoy a night in the company of some lovely, like-minded, ladies who enjoy, crafting with wool, drinking tea, eating cake, having a good natter and sharing plenty of laughter. Last Thursday was a yarn swap night where you can bring all those craft supplies, books and magazines that have been lingering in a cupboard, unloved, and offer them up for a new home and in return, you get the chance to re-home something new to you.

There was a remnant of some white and navy blue striped material that was needing to be loved and made into something. I brought this home with the idea that I would make some zippy project bags for my various knitting projects. I'd seen blogs and podcasts of other crafty goddesses making these project bags and I wanted in.

I nipped over to a local patchwork and quilting shop that has a fabulous choice of material that would be perfect for the linings of my bags. I also needed some zips and sewing thread. With my happy bag of supplies I couldn't wait to get started.

I spent the rest of the day happily engrossed in my sewing, something I haven't done for a long, long time. I finally finished around eight o'clock in the evening, but I can safely say I'm so pleased with the results and I can't wait to fill them with my knitting projects.

Hope you too are enjoying the Easter break, and doing something blissful.
Till next time...

Tuesday 22 March 2016

A Blanket of Love

My lovely Mum has recently joined the knitting and crochet mad community on Ravelry, and she asked me, would I mind taking some photos of the blanket she made me, so that she could add them to her projects page. 

Having taken the photos I couldn’t help but share them with you.

I’m still in awe of the time, dedication and love that she poured into this project, for my benefit. It consists of 98 squares in 4 different colours and then pulling it all together by miles and miles, and seriously MILES (have I stressed that enough?), of grey crochet. I can’t even begin to estimate how many hours this has taken.

 I will start out with all intention of crocheting a blanket, but by the time it’s reached the size of a table place mat I’ve had enough. The ‘blanket’ gets put (hid) into hibernation until I find a new purpose for the yarn.

I love my blanket and I’m very proud of my Mum's achievement. Through the winter it stays on my bed and during the summer it’s to hand on the back of my sofa. It’s beautiful and very practical, and I will cherish it always.

Thank you, Mum.

Till next time…

Friday 18 March 2016

Let's have a Catch Up

I thought it best that I gave you a little catch-up on some of my finished projects, before I start babbling on about any new projects I have on my needles.

First up is Floating Checks. A beanie style hat pattern, from issue 93 of The Knitter magazine. Unfortunately, the two-tone coloured yarn I’ve used for this does not show the pattern detail to its best, but it was a lovely easy knit and fits really well. I would do this again but pick a nice plain colour to show off the pattern a lot more, as its simple but very effective.

Next up is Stormy Sky Lace Cowl. This is a free pattern from the Ravelry website, designed by Eaden Yarns aka Kristina Stacey. It’s made as a long scarf with buttons and buttonholes to fasten it together to make it into an infinity scarf or cowl.

I used one ball of Debbie Bliss Fine Donegal 4ply, which blocked beautifully and had a lovely soft finish. I’m really pleased, how this has turned out. A little bit of luxury.

Lacy Linen Snood by Sara Thornett was a free pattern card I received from a Rowan yarn purchase. I’m not the most experienced when it comes to multi-lined, pattern rows but so long as I can have a quiet moment, I enjoy the challenge. The colour and pattern on the pattern card appealed to me and I had some double knit cotton in a similar coral colour that was very suitable.

The only niggle I have with this, is that you produce a seam where you join the cast-on and cast-off edges, but otherwise I’m very pleased with it.

A triangular shawl is next, which I finished knitting last year but its been stuffed in a bag and languished in a cupboard waiting to be blocked and have its loose ends weaved in. I finally got around to it last week!

This again, is a free pattern on Ravelry called Easy Peazy Shawl by Megan Delorme, and it was easy peasy!

It was a great knit for watching TV with. I’m sure this shawl will come into its own, as we go from spring into summer, weather permitting!

Last, for now, is a pair of fun stripy socks using a ball of  Sidar Heart and Sole. These socks are made based on the Yarn Harlot aka Stephanie Pearl-McPhee’s  basic Sock Recipe found in her book Knitting Rules, but with an added rib pattern for a bit more interest.

I made a couple of pairs of socks about six years ago and I vowed never to make anymore!

But time, they say, is a good heeler (pun intended!) and I’m enjoying sock making again. You could say…make socks and heel the sole.

Oh dear! Time I really should go…

Till next time…

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Forward Thoughts

 So where’ve I been since August?

To be honest, nowhere, here at home wondering where I’m going and what I should be do about my blogging. I’ve always had the thought that if I’m really not sure about something, I should leave well alone until I am.

My crafts have always gone in cycles. One minute its drawing and doodling, card and stationery making, the next its photography or sewing with experimental tangents of baking or candle making etc., etc., the list goes on.

But one craft has always stood out more than the others and it’s the one that I return to, time and time again, like an old friend. It’s there whenever I need comfort or just to relax with or to satisfy a creative need or inspiration challenge.

What is this craft?
The fabulous art of knitting.

At this point, I know some of you will be glazing over and rolling your eyes. I understand that, I see it in my colleagues at work whenever I mention the k word.

But I also know that there are others of you who share my passion for the wooly stuff, who love a conversation about any and all things yarn related.

I think you can tell where this is heading…?

Unashamedly, I will be blogging more and more about my passion for knitting and the joy it brings me, as well as the wonderful company of a like-minded community.

I hope you will stay with me on this journey and enjoy the comfort and challenges that knitting can bring. Not to mention the tea and cake that, always, goes perfectly well with this craft.

Till next time…