Tuesday 26 November 2013

Postcard Post - Christmas Lights

Why is it, when you see some song lyrics written down, you try your best to just read them but you inevitably end up singing them. These lyrics then get stuck in your head, on an endless loop, and you sing the same bit over and over again, driving you (and anyone who can hear you) a little bit madder each time you do it.

For once, this worked to my advantage and sparked an idea for a Christmas postcard.

What I needed was some Christmas lights.

Switched on.....

And then those all important song lyrics, to get us into the spirit of things.

Are you singing it yet? Enjoy.

Thursday 21 November 2013

We Have Very Fine Peas

In amongst my collection of old postcards, is this one.

I bought it because I found it amusing, also a little strange that anyone would pick this image as something to send to another. Saying that, maybe they picked it for exactly the same reasons I did...hmmm does that make me strange...?

Anyway, I find peas happy things, not sure why, but I do.
This sparked the start of a doodle...

Which grew...

and grew...

Until I had some Very Fine Peas of my own.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Postcard Post - Ace Brill Fab!

I love postcards!

I have quite a few pin boards and wire rack thingy-ma-jigs full of postcards and art cards that I've collected from all sorts of places. They act as constant inspiration to me whilst I potter about my house.

I pick them out, initially, because of the image on the front, but in the case of postcards, especially old, used postcards, it is also the design of the 'blank' back, the stamp and the handwritten message. Here is one from my collection. A photograph of a very windy Newquay, with a bit of a cryptic message for a Miss Hill.

As well as the fun of collecting them, I like to design my own. This too, is a collection that keeps on growing! I hope to bring you a series of 'Postcard Posts' showing you my designs. This first one is simply called Ace Brill Fab!

I think I must have been feeling pretty good at the time. There is also the 'blank' side.

In this day and age of texts and social media, it is easy for us to keep in touch with friends and family. But I don't think you can beat the joy of sending or receiving a hand written postcard 'the old fashioned way'.

Thursday 14 November 2013


and welcome to my blog. I'm Gill Slater and I hope to share my passion for illustration, art, photography and all things crafty. As well as showing my own work, I will also be sharing insights into who, or what, is inspiring me at the moment.

I hope that you will enjoy your visits here and maybe...just maybe...
be a little inspired too.